Prosectra staff and partners have long experience from living and working in high-crime areas and through these years we have seen the consequence of poor Residential Security numerous times.
Unfortunately, only victims of a crime will fully understand the feeling of powerlessness, the sense of violation and the anger and fear that can follow. It is often only after suffering a close call with crime, losing valuable property, enduring a traumatic situation or even a violent attack that most people take serious action.
Prosectra’s philosophy is in prevention through the 3 A’s; to Assess, to Advice, and to Address.
Let us first look at why our residence is so important to us:
- Most people are at home for upwards of ten hours every day.
- You expect your house to be safe, so you probably let your guard down when you are there.
- For around eight hours each day most people are in bed asleep and therefore particularly vulnerable.
- You rely on your house to shelter your loved ones and keep them safe.
- You use your house to store all of your possessions, even when you are not at home.
You must participate in the protection of your home and property. Knowing how residential crimes generally takes place is a good first step towards a safer home. Look at these statistics:
- At least 80% of burglars are opportunists; they look for a quick and easy way in and out.
- At least 20% of burglars don’t have to force entry, they just walk in through open doors and windows.
- About 60% of burglars enter the target premises from the rear – where there is less chance of them being spotted and/or reported.
- More burglaries happen during the day than at night, when it is quiet and more people are at home to hear and report strange intruders.
Most burglars are amateurs looking for a quick and easy target. They may lack the tools or abilities to break into a home that has a solid security system. Even moderately skilled thieves are willing to spend only a limited amount of time gaining entrance, and they’re likely to know just how much any given obstacle will slow them down.
Remember, security measures reduce your chances of victimization if they achieve any one of three primary goals:
- Make it harder
- Make it riskier
- Make it less rewarding
Over 30% of unlawful entries are unforced. Open doors, unlocked doors, keys “hidden” under the doormat – all of these situations make it easy for an unskilled, opportunistic criminal to enter your home. You want to make it hard enough to break in so that a burglar either lacks the skills or tools to enter or simply considers it too much bother and moves on to a softer target.
Criminals certainly don’t want to get caught. Anything that increases their risk of apprehension is a deterrent to would-be intruders. The length of time a burglar spends attempting to get into your home is proportional to the probability of detection. The chance of being seen and possibly identified is the burglar’s biggest fear. Most burglars allow themselves one to two minutes to get into a home. Beyond that, the risk of being caught becomes too great.
A burglar alarm increases the chance that the intruder will be seen, heard, or confronted. A loud alarm siren can alert neighbours, and if a police unit happens to be nearby, even a rapid retreat might not prevent capture.
A thief often knows what he intends to steal even before he enters a home. Lap- tops, flat-screen televisions, electronics, jewelry, guns and cash are at the top of the list. You needn’t throw out your valuables. Simply decreasing the expectation that such items will be in the home and unsecured can make your home seem a less rewarding target. Conversely, if you leave valuable property in plain view through an uncovered exterior window, you advertise the rewards that lie within your home. There is no benefit in offering criminals concrete incentives.
In summary, if you make it hard enough, risky enough, and reduce the expectation of reward, many thieves, regardless of skill, may simply decide it’s not worth it. They’ll often bypass a home that presents too many obstacles and too few incentives.
Prosectra offers a wide range of services including Risk and Vulnerability Assessments to training and education on improving your home security.
For more information please feel free to contact us.